Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 10: Mike Speaks.

     Someone recently asked for a my perspective on the entire 7 adventure that has overtaken my wife and family. So in return, I will do my best to communicate how my wife is throwing out all of our stuff, I mean, communicate how the journey is going.

     My first goal in writing will be to motivate you to consider taking up 7, or something like it, in your own household. I encourage you to do it as a family. Bring discussions that are of value to your home and dining room table. Men, lead your family spiritually as well as financially and physically. Allow Jesus in the front door so that He is the person who owns your home, your vehicle, your possessions, and (dare I say) your children. As I am learning, show your children how to live a close relationship to our Creator.

Consider John 14:15

                        “If you love me, obey my commandments.”

     So simple, right? This is a verse that has tormented me over the last year. If that one verse alone doesn’t scare you, then I will write nothing else of value for you. That verse should change your faith. You could say that, if we obey his commands, then our actions will show God that we love him. He will know our love by our heart and we will show the world through our actions. Conversely, if we do not obey His commands, we do not love Him. The problem is God can tell (or command) us to do some crazy things. He told people to sell all of their possessions and follow Him. Our response to such commands should be a resounding “yes”. And, even the “yes” should be genuine and heartfelt.

Can you say - loss of control! Saying and doing are totally different.

Luke 6:45 states
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
It always has to be a heart issue.
     I can tell you honestly that I want to follow Jesus. However, with the help of 7, I know that my heart still has a grip on the world. My first reaction to Melissa’s idea to follow this book was to view it more as a nuisance. I’m comfortable the way things are. Why? Maybe Satan would rather I not take stock of my life. He would rather me think that my excessive clothes didn’t mean anything to the teenager that gets made fun of for wearing the same shirt every other day. That my extra guitar is better served in my basement than in someone’s hands that could inspire people to worship through music.

     My prayer is that through these writings, Melissa and I will help you to reevaluate your own lives and, most of all, your hearts. In many ways, this journey has been fun for us. Other times it has been difficult. Hopefully this verse from an old hymn will help you like it helped me.  It has become my new prayer when I get tired of putting on the same shirt and pair of socks. (Relax, I’m only kidding about the socks. I wore sandals today.)

How deep the Father’s love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give his only Son
To make a wretch his treasure

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

1 comment:

  1. love this. Thanks Mike for your thoughts. What a tough and yet vital concept that we as Christians must try to grasp!
